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We offer advanced sheet and liquid membranes for roofing, water containment systems, and general-purpose waterproofing including:

EPDM MEMBRANES: Our sheet rubber membranes provides reliable, permanent waterproofing for low-slope roofs, making it easy to create leak-free rooftop decks and roof gardens. We utilize an advanced type of EPDM rubber specially formulated for minimal shrinkage and superior weathering characteristics. By custom fabricating a single sheet up to 10,000 square feet in the shape of each roof, we eliminate the risks of field seaming. Normally we ship the rubber as part of a complete system that includes adhesives, sealants, termination bars, flashing materials, roof drains, and paver pedestals. We also supply more economical EPDM rubbers to waterproof walls, cisterns, and ponds.

ACRYLIC COATINGS: Our liquid rubber roof system is ideal for restoring old asphalt, metal, wood, foam, or concrete roofs with positive drainage, as well as for waterproofing new low-slope roofs not suitable for sheet rubber membranes. It consists of a premium water-base acrylic coating applied with a paint roller in a multi-layer process with an embedded polyester reinforcing fabric. The composite cures to form a seamless, permanent, elastomeric membrane. Flashings are simply painted in place and become an integral part of the roof membrane. We offer twelve standard colors including a variety of architectural grays, reds, and greens, but the most popular choice is white because it keeps buildings significantly cooler and reduces the urban heat-island effect. This system is specially formulated to be safe for rainwater collection.















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